Odds and sods. Bits and pieces. Nuts and bolts. A little of this and little of that.

I realize that a good chunk of time has passed by and I haven't really given an update of what's been happening. I've told you a couple of stories, but not an overall picture of the places I've seen and the people I've been hanging with.

I've been in Whitehorse, Liard Hot Springs, Grand Prairie and now, Calgary. It has been a couple weeks of (mostly) rest, relaxing, friends, real beds, dogs, good food and some civilization (you know, showers, power and wifi.)

Let's see some pictures, shall we?

As you can see, in the past two weeks I have had lots of people and dogs (and puppies!) to hang out with and do fun things with. After the first 4 weeks of my trip, this was a VERY welcome change. Some of the above people were total strangers to me until I crossed in to their homes and now they are lovely friends, some were old friends from 30+ yrs ago, some were life long friends and some are new friends that are now better friends. Sigh. I love the last two weeks. And every where I stayed, there were dogs to sleep with, play with, write with, walk with and hang with.

How about some scenery/wildlife/nature pictures? 

I have been to a lot of very cool places in the past 2 weeks. We live in a very geologically diverse country people - please get out and see as much of it as you can. It is great to look at pictures, and they are definitely better than nothing, but pictures don't give you the same feels that standing there gives you. 

How about some pictures of the unexpected happenings of the past two weeks?

This is the drunken brawl that took place and spilled out of the saloon and changed my plans for the night (which included THE BEST wings I have ever eaten in all the world.).

Yes, dumb drunk people kept me from this...

And from this guy....

This is the campground where I was pretty convinced that I was being stalked by some kind of trafficking ring and wasn't going to see the next light of day.

This is when my radiator just had had enough and was all done working.

This is the motel room I found myself in because of the above radiator problems.

Hmmmmm what else?? 

Oh, how about some pictures from all the activities I have done? Ready?

For those that can't guess, the next two pics are me holding/playing with Data's phaser thingy and Picard's phaser thingy (his had working lights because the camera would actually see his in action.).

Ok enough with the pictures.

I feel like I've done so much, but don't really have much to say about any of it. It's all been so terribly, hmmmm, normal. I have caught up on sleep and socializing and fallen behind on reading, writing and quiet contemplation. In fairness, I think I had enough quiet contemplation in the first 4 weeks to last me at least through until next summer.

I have one more day in Calgary and then I head south to Waterton Lakes National Park for a few days and then on to cabins with friends and family and beaches and boats. It will be the perfect way to wrap up the trip.

How are YOU all doing? Have you had a good summer? Are you ready for it to be done or wishing there was lots more to go?

I have so many stories to share and SO, SO, SO many pictures to show you! I think when I get home we will have a couple of different nights where we can hang out and you can see pictures (at your pace! I will not subject you to 3829 pictures and talk about every single one of them. You can flick through them as fast or as slow as you'd like.) If you want to hang and talk about the whole trip, let me know and we will make it happen.

This has been the best experience, you guys. Challenging and rewarding and fulfilling and frustrating and maddening and stretching and filled with SO MANY EMOTIONS! (I didn't know I had that many emotions...)

I'm going to be away from internet for at least the next 10 days, so there won't be another update for a while on here.  In the meantime, have fun with the end of summer! I know I plan to.


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